“Blue Cypress Sunset” 24" x 36" original oil will be on exhibit at The Orlando Museum of Art Members Visions June 2, 2011.
Blue Cypress Lake was introduced to me by a man who loves to fish there. The lake is undeveloped except for a solitary fish camp. The rest is pure pristine Florida, filled with cypress trees and wildlife. When the sun sets, the lake turns into a sea of fiery color with silhouettes of cypress, reeds and grasses. I did not use black to paint the silhouettes but used a mixture of burnt umber with ultramarine blue or cadmium red. The effect of the darks against the lights is vivid. There are many layers of oil with the last layer consisting of grasses painted with individual brushstrokes. Blue Cypress Lake captivates those who explore it under the hanging moss of the trees! Oil on masonite. $2400